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Banksy strikes again
T Swift wins Copyright Case. Do not be a hater!
Local San Diego Stone Brewing, will be filing lawsuit against MillerCoors
Local brewer Greg Koch, Stone Brewing executive chairman & co-founder claims that MillerCoors is intentionally confusing the consumer by...
The California Secretary of State is now taking trademark applications for marijuana based products
The California Secretary of State is now taking trademark applications for marijuana based products and services. Many clients are filing...
The race to the trademark stable...."Stable Genius"
Early Saturday morning on the 6th of February 2018, Trump praised his mental stability on Twitter. Immediately two trademark filings for...
Adidas trying to protect three stripe design on iconic Sam Smith sneakers
This is an oldie but very interesting. We will keep you updated on this fashion issue posted on 2016- A spokesperson...
The rush to trademark "Covfefe"
As of today there are over 28 USPTO filings for the word "Covfefe" "Is this another down payment on Donald Trump’s economic growth...
Trademarking the Scent of Childhood- Play Doh
Hasbro has filed a trademark Serial Number 87335817 for " NON-VISUAL PLAY-DOH SCENT MARK." It is fairly unusual to try and protect a...
The Girl Scouts take a stand
The USPTO revised fees
A set of new USPTO filing fees. Paper filers will be impacted the most. Ten TTAB fees are changing as well. For full details, see ...
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